Saturday 21 July 2012


I realised at once that the little
        Lights were stars, and that as
They grew faint with distance
They were falling into the old forms
Of constellations. Some of the lights
Split or collided and left clouds
        Of gas that coalesced softly of
Themselves, and flashes of white
Occurred at intervals sending out
Darker matter among the trajectories
Of the brighter bodies. The furthest
        Pilgrims seemed to gain in their
Momentum as they receded, and at
The limits of my sight these stars
Began to wheel and pirouette upon
Unseen axes : as more fled into
        The lightless outer field a havoc
Of agitated motion grew there and
It was as if a silent will had lit
Dancing fires at the boundary of the
Heavens. There was a groaning
        Sound like the chassis of a great
Vehicle being demolished : a fury
Of evacuation in which the cries
Of saxophones and dying blasts
Upon the organ could be heard.
        Suddenly the stars were put out,
And all flooded with blinding light.

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