Sunday 31 July 2011


I was eating cereal when I
Heard a concussion above me
And turning in my seat I
Saw a blackbird roll down the
Conservatory roof jerking and
The wing caught under the
Body was impeding its fall.
It came down irregular and
Quickly and hit the gutter and
Fell extended in mock flight,
And its neck broke as it met
The concrete paving. I sat
And finished my cereal and I
Drank a glass of orange juice
And went out to look where it
Had come down. It was limp
And the eyes hollow and wind
And the dusk teased feathers
From its open neck and I saw
It was this year's young, dead.
I lifted its body and loose head
From the ground and carried it
Still warm and in spasm over
The ditch out back and I laid
It among nettles and dry weed
And blackberry and I left it out
There in a dimming atmosphere.


He came from the right
Skirting his man and the
Lane was open so he put
His head down and turned
The corner and as he came
Rearing into the air above
The paint Grant and Jordan
Went up like red sentinels
And his slight form hove
Into their uprising and he
Crammed it into the net
At his far extent and fell
Into their shoulders and it
Was on their faces as they
Fell in the elapsing seconds
How they had been abused.

Friday 29 July 2011


All night old Mr Grace was
Out by the verge picking the
Cucumbers he grew in the dust
Of the road his head low in
The extent of passing beams of
Cars and his hands making slow
And violently abrupt motions in
Turn as he sought and cropped
The fattest and the furthest ones
And as we watched as children
From the upstairs window half
Occluded by the sickened halo of
Out father's old sycamore and saw
His hands fasten on the tubers
We knew some berserk was there
Working on old Grace in the dark,
Farming at midnight and his old
Girl gone and his car written off
And his hands irregular with white
Polyps and knots and growths the
Fruit of his absurd agriculture.


There was rain in the trees
And the branches were moving
And he said lets hide and he
Disappeared into the branches
But I could still see him a white
Shape with smears of mud
And his hand come out and it
Touched me and it was cold
And my cold dress clung at me
And the doves clattered away
So I come out of the rain
And the quiet was roaring and
A branch come up and wet us
And I called out and hung
On his neck and I touched his
Face and I was frightened
And then we broke and I saw
He wasn't looking at me at all
He just looked out at the rain
And down at the grit and the
Earth and I said don't, don't.

Thursday 28 July 2011


Smoke rifles into the air from
The tip of her cigarette and
It is as if the room fell away
Diagonally from the stationed
Smoke. The chair is leather,
Red and her bourbon is red.
The smoke veils up her face
In gouts of consistent grey
And white and her face is
Visible like a photograph behind.
She takes a sip of bourbon.
The room is still falling off,
But somehow now it is as if
A compartment in her had
Come open and the scene enclosed
In her torso, and all of it as
A diorama with articulated parts.

She drags the cigarette and it all
Charges and clarifies a moment and
The world holds fire within that space.


She crouches at the foot of
The bed and keeps looking at
The fixtures of the room as
If they were not well fastened
And her attitude is sprung as
If she were about to make a
Move in space and imminence
Rules her that cannot converge
On momentum and her hands
Now flicker at the emergency
And rising activate the thick air
That sings close to her body
And the room's atmosphere is
Fuel to the filament of her nerve
As she works her mind in hand
And rises half urgent on one of
Her knuckles with an ear cocked
And is static and silent there when
An obscure sound falls in one of
The communicating rooms and she
Bolts blind and crashes incoherent
From the bed and goes to ground.


She is there in the church door
As I bring wood up from the
South steps her body as blue
As the stone and a wind coming
Over her fattening her rags
And drawing out once more and
The rags are sour yellow clotted
With rain that is coming in from
The mountains and which falls
Into the vault of the buildings
And breaks in star shapes from
The force of stone and seems to
Stop in the air in constellations
Full and mute and far and bright.
I pass with the wood into the
Transept and her body crouches
In my stomach like a succubus
Her flesh wet and her mouth open.


She sleeps in a small bed
In the corner of the room
One curtain is drawn and
The window faces north so
What passes over her form
Is soft and grey and is
Of an element with her.

Shadowplay marks the terrain
And the cool daylight is
Several in the green cover
And the cover ruckles
Like a half-broken cocoon
And terminates in a shock
Of red hair pushed into a
Flower form by sleep
And her restless motion and by
The light that tangles there.

Outside is white as milk.


Wind comes over the maple
Stirring its boughs and rattling
The leaves and then subsides,
And the leaves nod and turn
Theirs facets this way and that
In the gulf of quiet after
And in that vacuum it seems
The tree has been plunged
Into water and the branches
Lift in a weight of fluid,
Slowly assuming another gravity,
And motion sinks into a pause
And wills nothing.

The second lapses and the
Tree is furious once more
Spilling gouts of air that
Ricochet from all quarters,
Coordinate to coordinate,
Ravelling a constant speed.

Monday 11 July 2011


Colonel Dan Fulgham climbed
Into the centrifuge and they
Pulled over him black straps
Fastening them like a straight-
Jacket and sealed the chamber
And retreated to the controls
And their voices came distant
Over the intercom and asked
If he could go one more round.
He replied in the affirmative
And the monitor was moving in
And out and the engine began
To hum and the great arm came
Slowly out of its white stasis.
They got him up to 10gn and
He began to grey out and the
Edge of his vision grew black
And his face flowed back from
His bones and his eyelids began
To ripple shut so he had to force
His head back to see and at 13gn
The blood began to flow out of his
Brain and to pool in his abdomen.
He blacked out for ten seconds
And came to as they lifted his
Body from the groaning chassis
And he said nothing but he shook
Them off and walked out of there
And back down the corridors of
The compound and as soon as
He knew anything he felt that
Everything was wrong: he could
Clearly see his own body walking
Ahead of him down the corridor
And his will inhabited the image,
Animus divorced from its corpus.
And he could see it all rushing on
As if into an endless dark tunnel
And his silhouette against the light,
His uniform and the back of his
Helmet and the corridor shaking
And his own hands shaking, white.
The blood was roaring in his ears
And he vomited against the wall
And the body collapsed into it.

Sunday 10 July 2011


She sat in the armchair
And reached for the carton
Of cigarettes and lit one
And took the gin bottle
And poured out a measure
And smoked the cigarette
And put the bottle back
And knocked back the gin
And put out the cigarette
And lit a cigarette and she
Took the gin bottle up
And poured out a measure
And smoked the cigarette
And knocked back the gin
And put the bottle back
And put back the carton
Of cigarettes and held the
Cigarette like a dart in
Her mouth and smoked it
And her heart spoke in the
Quiet and her eyes closed.

Saturday 9 July 2011


The acer stings in dusklight
Its leaves like petals of tissue
Greenhearted and gaudy pink
At the extremities and moving
Frightened and fast in wind
And the song of it to the eye
Is sundown and swandown and
Burning at the eighteenth hour
The cool white of it seeming
Shreds of papier snagged on
A tree of radiating wires that
The wind is teasing gradually
Away and the pale cool is
Living somehow in the pink
That strains hotly to the eye
A snow within a livid skin.

Thursday 7 July 2011


The lamp was immanent
In the room and all
The room partaking of it.
He leant across the bed
And drew the coverlet
Over the boy and with
A hand evened it out
And drew away the hair
From his face and the
Lamp was immanent also
In the two dark dioramas
Of the room projected in
The boy's eyes. A founding
Light out of that distance.

He drew the boy up to
Him and he said to him
I can love you because
I love myself, child.


There is a gap in the blinds
And the light from it makes
Their nylon glow like marrow
As if from within, pale
And in the gap doubled glass
Is a membrane of light
Of a dull transluscence and
Through this skin is visible
A drained, pink rose that
Nods and twitches in the
Wind and the clothing of it
Green and bright and close
At its collar and the great
Body of the rosebush that
Whirls green and black like
The hydra and of which
The rose is like a wound
That thrashes through the air
Spilling gouts of light that
Petal pink and dying on the
Stones and on the raw grass
And it will not clot but only
Burn on in pale effulgence;

Through the glass it is a kind
Of frantic, silent kinema.

Wednesday 6 July 2011


He sits hunched up smoking
A cigarette on a small stool
Ringside while the boys
Spar, watching from under
Low thatched eyebrows and
Thick bunched lids as they
Circle and jab in the pale
Light of the gymnasium
And their skinny movements
As they duck and hack at
One another and balance
On the balls of their feet
And the livid marks showing
Out on their cheeks as if
They had become ashamed
Of their tentative blows
And the light of soft anger
In their eyes. He taps off
The hanging ash into the
Lip of an empty Coca-cola
Can and strokes at its
Edge the ash away and he
Brings it slowly up and tokes
And a little gout of fire
Races across the quarters of
His aged face and the gym
Resonates with dull footfall.

Tuesday 5 July 2011


They reel and stumble
And cling like drunkards
Consoling each other and
Break and stagger back
Swinging wildly their black
Gloves in the golden
Light. Their arms tangle
And disentangle and then
A punch connects and it
Jolts the head back with
A snap of the vertebrae
And the skin is yellow
And the eyes flare white
Like a horse's bolting
And sweat sprays from
The blow and gives the
Fighter a halo a moment.
They flurry and throw
Wild roundhouses and
Their shorts hover above
The canvas like ghostly
Flags as they maul at
Each other and their faces
Have sunken. They seem
Shocked at each blow
And sad and as if they had
            Frazier is tired,
And his eyes are closing.


She stands at the window
In the dark of the landing
And the curtains drawn back
Looking down into the yard
And further, to the fields
Where smoke is curling up
Into the night close and
Dark and the shuddering
Light of the balefires out
In the fields plays at
The rim of the world
And she can see that they
Are burning hay down
And she sees the bonelike
Figures as they cross and
Recross hauling shivering
Loose clumps and fork them
Into the fire's mouth
And the bales fall apart
In the fire, fall apart

And it flares and flares.
She leaves the balefire light,
And as she crosses to her
Room her mother watches
From a dark rear chamber
Of the house and the silent
Child seems like a ghost
Borne through from a far life.