Friday 13 July 2012


            Into the now-distinct arena of
The lighted room came a third party
That seemed to originate in my own
            Person : a trembling and hazy
Projection of my body as it
Was in my childhood that went
Before me into the space, trailed
Vaguely by a grey aura as are
Images transmitted through static or
Exposed to too much light. This
Child-body seemed to move without
            Force : as it advanced into the
Room my own vantage drew back
In proportion until the projection
Occupied the centre of the room and
I found myself outside the threshold.
The features of the child were not
Distinct but I recognised his posture
            And his gait as being my own.
Further, there was some unspoken
Sense in which he communicated to
Me his knowledge of our shared self.
Sitting himself on the wicker chair,
He turned to me : as our gazes met
For an instant, a flood of images
Cascaded before my eyes, ending
Abruptly as he looked away beyond
          The thin partition of the walls.

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