Friday 31 January 2014




In the rain before the Regent Hotel
There was a collision and a woman
Was thrown through the windshield
Of her sedan.
The rain went over
The body and the wind lifted the hair.

“Je ne sais rien, rien, rien!”

Lay in the tub and ran
Your hand down the folded curtain.
Sündenfall. Sündflower. In the field,
Blunt, black seedhead,
Bobbing in the drizzle.

A porter dragged her body through
The doors, staining the lobby carpet
With blood, and the door closed on
The legs and the arm fell.
He called and called,
And then there was an ambulance.
The stalk strain and the head loll,
The heavy germstem.

A photographer from the black door
Of the elevator ran, sang ; dumb and
At his knees.

In the end they found
She was one of someone's girls.

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