Monday 20 January 2014



BUD POWELL : Tea for Two (take 6)

Bud lifts the fallboard
And shakes out his suit sleeves.

A greyed log punches in and the air swells
Around it and the fire engorges and rises
In a curtain about the ashen wood, and all
Hangs for one moment in a sound that is
Like the going-under of a tremendous ship
Bum. Ray Brown,
Ladies and gentlemen!

The curtain of flame parts and figures in light
Dance in the movement of the air in the grate.
Earl Rudolph is building something now :
Somewhere in the joint a micstand goes down,
As if by sheer force—hit it, Bud, hit it! Tight!—
Whooee! Cinders go up, shaking, over
The water where a steamer is passing.

The streets are dark. Mon amour,
Come back with me. Je t'assure,
We'll drink a glass, Je vais t'aimer
And I'll take you home. Pour toujours.

The snare hisses like leaves. Old Buddy,
My love is coming down, I am lonely,
All is ending, season and year and life too :
I am living in the smoke of Jim Beam
And in the dull grey sea-smoke of myself.

Tempo, tempo, tempo.
The fire evacuates. He has cigarette ash
On the lap of his pants. “You boys git up.
I'm ready, and first I will have another.”

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