Wednesday 25 September 2013


He stopped where he stood, at the door of the
Sacristy, the roomward side.
The moderate chamber swung under the swinging

Lightbulb that he had lightly brushed as he turned
Doorwise. He clasped broad
Hands and bellowed inwardly that it was a damn,

Damn, damn, damn thirst to be situated so.
What fatherkind was this,
That prickled out galaxies in restless condescent?

That burbled the names all other godmatter took
In his first infant word?
That cupping his hands, and waiting for the water

There to pool, and narrowing them, watching how
The water rose in kind,
Said “hosannah canoe”?

Nothing causelesser could be.
He took the hand down out of
Its blighted circling and saw it.

There were liverspots riding on the front knuckles.
Solar lentigo.
The organ withers before the candleflame,

He thought, and all its boozy descant shudder,
And its semblance in shadow,
The livlier soul, leap, ragged rascal, out of the cage,

And set itself more serious music up. “Hold me now,
While I am lonely.”
His heavy baritone rang against the windowcasing.

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