Friday 26 August 2011


He stood before the refridgerator
And it was dark in the room.
The only light was from inside.
Bottles of lager and stacks of
Smoked ham and a brick of butter
With a clover leaf in the side of it.
The butter and ham and the beer
Shone with condensation in the
Blond light and he looked at them.
He heard the boiler firing on
The outside wall of the room
Adjacent. He slowly reached in
And took a beer and the ham
And the butter in hand and he
Opened the cupboard and he got
Bread and started to butter it
And he made a roll of ham and
Spead it with mustard and folded
It inside the slices of bread.
He paused with it in his hand
And listened to through the wall
To the low, dampened sound of
The man and woman next door
Fighting; the fall of feet on wood,
The formless howling noises, and
Then the obscure sound of a
Concussion vibrating in the wall.
He ate the sandwich slowly
And he went back to his bed.

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