Friday 5 August 2011


I was inside the vehicle and
My seatbelt on and the beams
Projected into dim water like
Half a bridge and motes of
Silt were rushing in the light
And I unfastened my seatbelt
And my arm caught in it as
I tried to free myself and my
Lungs were burning and I got
The door open and pulled him
Out in the dark water a ragdoll
And fought in the obscure force
Of its uniform pressure kicking
And dragging the body through
It like fires burning burning I
Tussled in flame livid and blue
And broke into night air and a
Matrix of headlights and cries
And I cried and gasped the air.

They pulled us up the bank and
His body was a whitened mass in
The mud and I struggled inside
My dress ripping it to get it off
And heaved and barked the black
Water from my lungs and I sobbed.
Within the water shone the car like
A pale carriage crossing over.

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