Sunday 5 February 2012


Eliot went to the sink and
            Inverted the bowl so the coagulate
                        Mixture of sodden meal and curds
Fell viscously out of it,
            Overrun with thin whey that
                        Was like human plasma where it
Caught the tangent light from
            The window. He saw without
                        Attention the discomposed remains
Part flow, part slide into the well
            Of the drainhole and then turned his
                        Eyes to face the consistency of
The yard. Every object in it
            Was stationed by some ordination
                        Beyond his interest and lit without
Priority at a lateral angle
            By sun dispersed through a
                        Large bank of cumuli to the south.
It was a colourless morning.
            He could hear his father progress
                        Through the rooms of the upper
House, and what he disassociatedly
            Decided was the sound of his
                        Mother's soft and regular speech.
There were a great number of crows
            Traversing the interval between the
                        Woods and the roof of the barn,
Lighting on it in a long,
            Undulating progress like particles
                        In a continuous stream of fluid.

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