Thursday 13 October 2011


He vomited and white particles seemed
To flare in his vision and dwindle
And he felt as if he were roaring
Out his innards, as if suddenly he
Would bring up a dark lump of
Himself and the skin would fall empty.
The light had been on but now it
Was dark and he fell back from
The bowl staring upward, and there
He saw as if suspended from the
Ceiling a chain of dull lights in
A soft gold aura, and it was dark
Yet. A string of them and then it
Thickened in coils and then a loop,
Long and slack. Like a noose of stars.
There was a low inchoate moaning
Coming from his throat. The room was
Suddenly full of stark light and a
Screaming mechanical noise and
From the noose there hung a black
Shape of cloth like a cowl. Now it
Was dark again and he was cowering
In his own sick and the cloth floated
Down. He felt its softness cover him
Lightly like sleep. He was sleeping.

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