Tuesday 27 September 2011


I am sat with him, and
It has been two days now.
He is drunk, has been so
Since he brought me here.
He has become very pale.
He feeds me whiskey as if
I were a child, as if it were
Medicine. And now he talks.
Know anything about the
Thermodynamic principle?
It's all
—Nothing. We, we
Are outliers, like the shapes
It is making, when waves
Fall and a shape of foam
Is left there
—That's like us.
Entropy. It all breaks down.
And we will reach a point
—Soon—Where it all will go
Back, return, contract, all
Disorder will fall in on its
Syntropy, reordering.
Time will run backward,
They say. And no life, none.
Disorder is life's element.
We evaporate, not condense.
No life. Just a silent trillion-
lapse—Back into where
It, whatever
Or God, where he was born.
That would be the last death.
He drinks, and it seems he
Watches something moving in
The air before him, his eyes
Lit, darkly, until his head falls.

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