Monday 11 July 2011


Colonel Dan Fulgham climbed
Into the centrifuge and they
Pulled over him black straps
Fastening them like a straight-
Jacket and sealed the chamber
And retreated to the controls
And their voices came distant
Over the intercom and asked
If he could go one more round.
He replied in the affirmative
And the monitor was moving in
And out and the engine began
To hum and the great arm came
Slowly out of its white stasis.
They got him up to 10gn and
He began to grey out and the
Edge of his vision grew black
And his face flowed back from
His bones and his eyelids began
To ripple shut so he had to force
His head back to see and at 13gn
The blood began to flow out of his
Brain and to pool in his abdomen.
He blacked out for ten seconds
And came to as they lifted his
Body from the groaning chassis
And he said nothing but he shook
Them off and walked out of there
And back down the corridors of
The compound and as soon as
He knew anything he felt that
Everything was wrong: he could
Clearly see his own body walking
Ahead of him down the corridor
And his will inhabited the image,
Animus divorced from its corpus.
And he could see it all rushing on
As if into an endless dark tunnel
And his silhouette against the light,
His uniform and the back of his
Helmet and the corridor shaking
And his own hands shaking, white.
The blood was roaring in his ears
And he vomited against the wall
And the body collapsed into it.

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