Saturday 8 August 2009

Shout in the Street

Do re mi fa so blah la blah ti
so far i've quenched my bleeds
bloody bla bla black sheep bleating blah
stumbbling on bloody black stumpts
blam to the slaughter, tall grey blue
drink o water drinking dead air,
tub thump. Thumb throb. Flob a dob
flapping felt jaws of the world,
news of the rag, maws of sparrow
kids, crumby kid gloves, heavy metal
satan snow white doves on tape,
full throttle frontal blah brain rape
blah blah bah ah ha ha aiaiaiai!

Hai ya! Karate carrot top ten yr olds
falling faceflat, bruises, pride, where
have I remembered this crap from?
Churches out of bedroom widows,
well to do lovebirds tripping fol de dol
down Cambridge roads, round round-
abouts, carousing on the carousel
then vamoosing in a vamoosel sec
at the beck of chemical bursts,
loving and busting out, intestinal lust
seeping, bodies are not just blood brain
and vitamin; pus, plasma, spunk, a ton
of funky shit to squeeze through veins
like toothpaste tube ordinance, it helps
to lurch your waxy skin bag out
the door to booze and find love, sacrifice
your fluid amalgamate on the steaming font
of raw fucking life life aiaiaiaiaiaiaiiiii
alalaalarahstahflahaeeeee fuck
blah fuck yes love blah life oh blah.

Catapult me lord from the vinegar
and beery piss, I've better brains
to batter, bigger mugs to hug, shrugs
and lugs to slug in the gut with what
I'll scream from slung lungs, the
holy word of our immortal savior
ha ha! I slap the lord in the face
with my dick, he turns a cheek,
the meek old felch! I've bigger
fish to fricassée, ask for me today
and you'll find me a graver slave
slavering s'liva aliver than you'd hope,
never yet broke but token, joking, done.

I'm not a dead soul or a lost hope,
why I know, I love and worship
not a crackpot hippie christ, but a girl.
Over and out, I summer sault off
into the catseye nebula spangling shout
scatosphere per iph er aieeeeeeeeeeee!

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